NCAMA - Malamutes Unsettled Seeking Homes
Pre-Adoption Questionnaire

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Press ENTER or click on SUBMIT to submit the form when you are done

--- Fields marked with * are required ---





*Complete Address:

*City: *State: *Zip Code:

*Your Email Address:

*Home Phone (include area code):

Work Phone (include area code):

How did you hear about us?

A successful adoption depends on matching the right dog with the right home. So that we may assist you with this selection, please answer the following questions as completely and as honestly as possible. Thanks

Do you:

If Other, What?:

If renting, do you permission from Landlord?

Landlord's phone (include area code)

Do you have children? If so, ages?

Have you ever owned a dog before? Breeds

What happened to them?

Does entire family want the dog?

What other types of animals live in your house?


How long will the dog be alone during the day or evening?


Is there a particular dog on the website you are interested in ?


What do you know about Malamutes and what about the breed attracts you?

Do you have a sex preference?

Minimum or Maximum age preference?

Is your yard fenced? Fence type and height

If you do not have a fence, where and how will dog be exercised and allowed to eliminate?

What member of the family will primarily be taking care of the dog?

Will the dog primarily be kept: Inside

If Other, Where?:

Where will dog sleep at night?

Do you believe in dog crates?

Have you ever taken a dog through obedience?


Are you willing to take this dog through obedience training if needed?

If you move, what will you do with the dog?

What veterinarian do you use or have you used in the past or do you plan to use?

How else have you tried to obtain a Malamute?

Are you willing to allow a NCAMA - M.U.S.H. representative to visit your home?

If no, why?

All of the information I have provided on this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that falsifying answers on this application, or at any other time during the adoption process, disqualifies me from the adopting of an Alaskan Malamute from M.U.S.H.. By submitting this M.U.S.H. Screening Form, I attest to the accuracy of the information I have provided.

Form updated: 03/18/2009 05:10 PM

We reserve the right to refuse any applicant.

Northern California Alaskan Malamute Association


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